Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Blessing for Women and Girls

A blessing used at Holy Trinity on Mother's Day.  Please use as you are able.

A Word on the pain that may come on Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day brings out a variety of emotions—joy for first time mothers. Thanksgiving as those with good relationships with their mothers celebrate.  Sorrow as those who recently lost their mother travel through a first year without her.  Pain for those experiencing infertility or who  had a miscarriage.  Unspeakable grief for those who lost a child.  Resentment as those who chose not to have children as mothers are celebrated and their roles are silenced.  Today, we thank God for healthy relationships with mothers, and those who were like mothers to us.  We acknowledge the pain of broken relationships.  No matter what feelings are stirred in you this Mother’s Day, know that the Body of Christ is big enough for your joy and your pain.  We pray that you feel the peace that passes all understanding this place. 
A Blessing of Women and Girls:
P:  To those who gave birth this year to their first child
C:  We celebrate with you
P:  To those who lost a child this year  
C:  We mourn with you
P:  To those who experienced loss through miscarriage, failed adoptions, or running away
C:  We grieve with you
P:  To those who have warm and close relationships with their children and mothers
C:  We give thanks to God
P:  To those who have disappointment, heart ache, and distance with their children and mothers
C:  We pray God’s healing and presence
P:  To those who lost their mothers this year  
C:  We grieve with you
P:  To those who experienced abuse at the hands of your own mother
C:  We acknowledge your pain

P:  We pray for women throughout the world that are oppressed.  May we remember those who are enslaved, trafficked, abused and forgotten.  May we be Christ-like, seeking justice for all, living our lives in ways that do not further oppress, exploit or cause harm to any sister in Christ.
C:  Forgive us and bring us strength, Saving Lord
P:  Lord God, we ask your blessing upon all the women and girls of this congregation, and all women who have touched our lives. Stir up the power of your Spirit in all women, that they may be strong, courageous and faith filled. 
C:  We give you thanks, Lord God

P & C:  AMEN!  Thanks be to God!