Over the past days, words from Paul’s letter to the Romans,
chapter 8 have come into my heart and have been upon my lips—“We know that the
whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of labor, right up to the
present moment…”
We, the whole creation of God, groan, we lament, we cry out
for the lives of 9 beloved Children of God, who, while studying the Word of God
within the walls of Mother Emmanuel, were not safe from the vicious sin of hate
and racism. We, as the whole creation of God groan and lament because again and
again, from Birmingham to Charleston, Children of God are murdered in the very
house of God—killed by the hands of one drenched in sin and hate.
In the midst of groaning and lamenting, I continued reading
Paul’s letter--“The Spirit intercedes for us, with sighs too deep for words.”
Sisters and brothers in Christ, I call upon the Spirit, I
cling to this hope and promise, because my sighs are too deep for words. I
speak to you first and always as a Child of God. I also speak to you as an
ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.
And it was at an ELCA seminary, The Lutheran Theological
Southern Seminary in Columbia, that Rev. Pinckney and Rev. Simmons received
theological training—these pastors were part of our Lutheran family. During
their time at the seminary, during weekly chapel, they worshiped, prayed and
extended their hands to receive the Body and Blood of Christ with my Lutheran
colleagues. And that’s just too close to home…My sighs are too deep for words…
But, the young man who entered Mother Emmanuel and
slaughtered 9 Children of God, this young man was a member of a South Carolina Lutheran
congregation. In his church, he heard the same liturgy, and extended his hands
at the Lord’s Table. And that’s just too close to home—. My sighs are too deep
for words…
As Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton said in a written
statement Friday “All of a sudden and for all of us, this is an intensely
personal tragedy. One of our own is alleged to have shot and killed two who
adopted us as their own," said Eaton.
My sighs are too deep for words as I acknowledge the sin of
denial, and complacency, the sin of racism and hate have spilled more blood—my
sighs are too deep for words as we spend time in repentance and mourning, not
of the sins of the past, of our history, but of the sins of this very present
moment. Bishop Eaton encouraged us to spend the weekend in repentance and
mourning—then, she said “we need to get to work.
Each of us and all of us need to examine ourselves, our church and our
communities. We need to be honest about the reality of racism within us and
around us. We need to talk and we need to listen, but we also need to act. Look
with newly opened eyes at the many subtle and overt ways that we and our
communities see people of color as being of less worth. Above all pray – for
insight, for forgiveness, for courage."
Thanks for this, dear Pr. Tracy. I am sharing it.