To my pastor friends trying to find a WORD, and parents preparing for this school year:
I've been thinking all day, and it all feels trite. Empty. Not enough for the deep fears so many parents are expressing about this fall and what's to come with kids and Covid. I can say "We are people of Resurrection hope." But I can't look parents in the eye and say that when the fear is for their own child.
I can craft my image of people of faith walking to the empty tomb on Holy Saturday, speaking of the now and not yet. I can say "if it feels broken then let it break."
But none of it is enough. That Gospel isn't enough.
So I speak a Gospel that says I'm mad as hell. At the people of faith who won't do the right thing and get vaccinated. Wear a mask. Love their neighbor as themselves. I'm mad as hell at the politicians who seem to want to cause harm for political gain and those who voted them into power. I'm mad as hell at the lack of courage from school leaders who won't do the most simple things to keep kids safe. I'm mad as hell that kids will die this fall as a result of the arrogance and lack of care from our country.
So I speak Gospel that says we can DEMAND answers from God for the brokenness around us.
That this anger and disgust is righteous and holy. Maybe even our duty in this time. That it IS GOSPEL.
I don't know. But I guess I don't have to know.
But, parents and pastors, know the fear and anger is seen.
Know it's not felt in isolation.
Know that I'm talking to A LOT of parents who are right there, needing to hear THIS Gospel. So it's the Gospel that needs to be preached boldly.
It might not be enough to---I don't even know. Bring comfort(?) Ease our
dis ease?
Create a cataclysmic Gospel proclamation that makes things better?
It certainly won't be a big enough Gospel to shut down the need for expanded PICUs and pediatric ventilator orders. It won't change the deep and horrifying sorrow I fear is coming because our schools and culture don't love kids enough to require masks to save lives.
But know, if you think you're alone, know there is Gospel. There is someone else in the Body that hears the lament and cries. That the cries and fears of other parents are creating a chorus of fear and grief that does not go unheard.
This is all the Gospel I can offer, as you all prepare to offer Gospel, and as you prepare to send your kids to school. And it feels shallow and helpless and an inadequate. And maybe you're not even in a place to hear this...
But I inhale the deep mystery of faith, and exhale the Spirit within me into the universe, with the hopes that the wind of God catches it and directs it to go where it is needed.
I pray you hear a WORD and Gospel. That you know your fears are heard.
And always always always--know you are a beloved Child of God.
That is all I can offer.
I know it might not be enough.
But I know it's the Gospel...
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